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Retreat Evaluation



Date: [Date]


Thank you for participating in our Corporate Retreat. Your feedback is invaluable to us and will help ensure that our future retreats are even more successful and tailored to meet our attendees' needs and expectations. This evaluation form is designed to gather your insights and opinions on various aspects of the retreat, from logistical arrangements to the content of our sessions.


The objective of this Corporate Retreat was to foster team cohesion, strategize on our goals for the upcoming year, and provide a rejuvenating experience that empowers our employees both personally and professionally.

Evaluation Instruction

  • Rating: For each statement in the table, please indicate your level of agreement by circling or marking the number that best represents your experience, using the following scale:

    1 = Strongly Disagree

    2 = Disagree

    3 = Neutral

    4 = Agree

    5 = Strongly Agree

  • Comment: If you have additional thoughts, observations, or suggestions about any statement, please write them in the 'Comment' column next to the respective criterion. Your comments can provide deeper insights or suggestions for how we can make our retreats more effective and enjoyable.

Evaluation Table





The goals of the retreat were clear and well-communicated.

The retreat was organized efficiently, with smooth transitions between activities.

The content of the sessions was relevant to my professional growth and development.

The facilitators were knowledgeable and successfully engaged the participants.

The activities promoted teamwork and enhanced interpersonal connections.

The venue and accommodations contributed positively to the overall experience.

The agenda was balanced, allowing ample time for both participation in activities and personal rest.

Additional Comments/Feedback

Please share any further feedback, suggestions, or comments you may have about the Corporate Retreat. Your input is crucial to us as we strive to make our future retreats more enriching and enjoyable for all participants.


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