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Wheelchair Evaluation

Wheelchair Evaluation


Date: March 19, 2050

Introduction: This evaluation form is designed to assess the mobility needs of an individual and determine the appropriate wheelchair and seating system. It focuses on promoting optimal mobility and independence for individuals with disabilities.

Overview: Our evaluation criteria cover various aspects, from functional needs to comfort requirements. These are based on what's crucial for individuals with mobility impairments, considering the professional advice of physical therapists, occupational therapists, or rehabilitation specialists.

Evaluation Instructions:

  1. Purpose:

    • Assess mobility needs and select suitable wheelchairs and seating systems for individuals with disabilities.

  2. Evaluation Criteria:

    • Functional Needs: Assess ability to self-propel.

    • Comfort Requirement: Evaluate back support and cushioning.

    • Size and Fit: Check appropriateness for body dimensions.

    • Mobility and Maneuverability: Evaluate maneuvering in different environments.

  3. Rating Scale:

    • Use a scale of 1 to 5.

    • 1: Very poor

    • 2: Poor

    • 3: Average

    • 4: Good

    • 5: Excellent

  4. Evaluation Process:

    • Evaluate each criterion based on the provided descriptions.

    • Assign a rating for each criterion according to the individual's needs.

  5. Additional Comments and Notes:

    • Provide any additional remarks or observations.

    • Include relevant details to assist in wheelchair selection.

  6. Finalization:

    • Review the completed evaluation for accuracy and completeness.

    • Make necessary revisions for fairness and bias reduction.

Evaluation Table

Evaluation Criteria



Evaluator Notes

Functional Needs

Evaluate the functional needs of the individual, such as the ability to self-propel.

Comfort Requirement

Assess the comfort requirement of the individual, considering factors like back support and cushioning.

Size and Fit

Check the size and fit of the wheelchair, ensuring it is appropriate for the individual's body dimensions.

Mobility and Maneuverability

Assess how well the individual can maneuver the wheelchair in different environments.

Additional Comments and Notes

Additional Comments

Evaluation Templates @