Free Psychological Evaluation Template



Free Psychological Evaluation Template

Psychological Evaluation


Date: [Date]

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Introduction: This evaluation form provides a comprehensive assessment tool to gauge an employee candidate's psychological fitness for the workplace.

Overview: The evaluation aims to measure various psychometric parameters and behavioral tendencies that may affect the candidate's work performance. Each criterion has been meticulously defined to ensure a fair, comprehensive, and unprejudiced evaluation.


The following indicators are used in this assessment: Emotional Intelligence, Personality Attributes, Stress Handling Ability, and Team Compatibility. Each of these has been broken down into observable markers for clearer evaluation.

Evaluation Criteria


Rating (1-5)


Emotional Intelligence

Evaluates the candidate's ability to identify, evaluate, control, and express emotions. It involves gauging their capacity to leverage emotions to solve problems and control behavior.

Personality Attributes

Assesses the candidate's inherent characteristics such as leadership skills, disciplinary consistency, dependability, and initiative-taking propensity.

Stress Handling Ability

Examines how the candidate manages pressure and stress in a fast-paced, challenging work environment.

Team Compatibility

Investigates the candidate's ability to work harmoniously and collaboratively in a team setting.

Note: The rating scale stretches from 1 to 5, where 1 signifies inadequate or poor performance, 3 denotes average competence, and 5 signifies exceptional or excellent competence.

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