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Participatory Evaluation

Participatory Evaluation

Date: [Date]

Introduction: This evaluation aims to actively involve all stakeholders in assessing the effectiveness and impact of our program, project, or initiative. Your input is crucial for us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By engaging in this evaluation process, we can collectively work towards enhancing the outcomes and ensuring the sustainability of our efforts.

Overview: Participatory evaluation emphasizes the importance of involving those affected by a program, project, or initiative in all stages of evaluation. This approach promotes transparency, accountability, and empowerment among stakeholders. By actively engaging participants in planning, data collection, analysis, and decision-making, we aim to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility for the outcomes of our efforts.

Rating scale:




4-Very Good


Evaluation Criteria:

Please assess the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest:



  1. Inclusivity

  • To what extent were diverse perspectives and voices represented throughout the evaluation process?

  1. Collaboration

  • How effectively did stakeholders collaborate in planning and conducting the evaluation?

  1. Transparency

  • Was information about the evaluation process, findings, and decisions communicated openly and transparently to all stakeholders?

  1. Empowerment

  • To what extent did the evaluation process empower stakeholders to participate in decision-making and take ownership of the outcomes?

  1. Relevance

  • How relevant were the evaluation methods and findings to the needs and priorities of stakeholders?

  1. Impact

  • What was the perceived impact of the evaluation process on improving the program, project, or initiative?

  1. Sustainability

  • How likely is it that the changes resulting from the evaluation process will be sustained over time?

Additional Comments/Notes

Evaluator's Name


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