Adolescent Psychiatric Evaluation

Adolescent Psychiatric Evaluation


Date: [DATE]

Introduction: This assessment aims to evaluate the mental health status of adolescent patients, providing valuable insights into their psychiatric conditions.

Overview: This evaluation form covers key psychiatric aspects essential for a comprehensive understanding of adolescents' mental well-being, aiding in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning.

Rating Guide:

  • 1: Indicates severe impairment or dysfunction.

  • 2: Indicates moderate impairment or dysfunction.

  • 3: Indicates mild impairment or dysfunction.

  • 4: Indicates functional or slightly above-average performance.

  • 5: Indicates exceptional or outstanding performance.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Cognitive Function: Assess the patient's memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

  2. Patient's Environment: Evaluate the patient's home, school, and social environment for triggers or stressors.

  3. Social Skills: Examine the patient's interpersonal skills and relationship building.

  4. Physical Health: Evaluate the overall physical health of the patient, as it often impacts mental well-being.

  5. Emotional State: Assess the patient's emotional stability and mood to determine potential mood disorders.

  6. Behavioral Patterns: Evaluate the patient's behavior in various settings and situations.

  7. Family History: Review the patient's family history of mental health disorders.

  8. Risk Assessment: Assess the patient's risk of self-harm or harm to others.

Evaluation Table:

Evaluation Aspect


Rating (1-5)

Cognitive Function

Memory, attention, problem-solving skills

Social Skills

Interpersonal skills, relationship building

Physical Health

Overall physical health

Emotional State

Emotional stability, mood

Behavioral Patterns

Behavior in various settings and situations

Risk Assessment

Risk of self-harm or harm to others

Additional Comments and Notes:

Evaluation Aspect


Comments and Notes:

Patient's Environment

Home, school, social environment

Family History

History of mental health disorders in the family

Evaluation Templates @