Vehicle Loss Affidavit

Vehicle Loss Affidavit

I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], hereby declare the loss of my vehicle and formally report it as stolen. The details of the vehicle are as follows:

  • Manufacturer: [VEHICLE MANUFACTURER]

  • Model: [VEHICLE MODEL]

  • Vehicle Identification Number: [VIN NUMBER]

  • License Plate Number: [PLATE NUMBER]

  • Color: [VEHICLE COLOR]

  • Additional Identifying Features: [OTHER FEATURES]

The vehicle was last seen at [LOCATION] on [DATE] at [TIME]. I immediately noticed its absence and conducted a thorough search of the vicinity. Upon confirming that the vehicle was indeed stolen, I promptly contacted local law enforcement to report the incident.

I have attached a copy of the police report filed for this stolen vehicle incident, along with any other relevant documentation, including photographs and receipts pertaining to the vehicle.

I hereby authorize and request [LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY] to take all necessary actions to investigate and locate the stolen vehicle. I am fully cooperative and available to provide any further information or assistance required to facilitate the investigation.

Furthermore, I request that [LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY] provide me with regular updates on the progress of the investigation and inform me of any developments or leads regarding the whereabouts of the stolen vehicle.

I understand the seriousness of this matter and affirm that the information provided in this Vehicle Loss Affidavit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Please acknowledge receipt of this report and provide any instructions or additional documentation required to proceed with the investigation.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.



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