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Leadership Evaluation

Leadership Evaluation


Introduction: This evaluation aims to assess the leadership qualities of the individual, including their abilities to motivate and lead teams.

Overview: The evaluation will consider various leadership aspects and provide a performance rating for each. These results will aid in understanding the individual's leadership abilities and areas for improvement.

Evaluation Criteria

Below is a list of criteria on which the leadership abilities will be evaluated:

  • Communication: Ability to effectively communicate vision, ideas, and tasks.

  • Conflict Resolution: Ability to handle conflicts and ensure a beneficial resolution.

  • Delegation: Ability to efficiently delegate tasks to the team.

  • Decision-making: Ability to make effective and timely decisions.

  • Motivation: Ability to motivate and boost team morale.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions

  • Empowerment: Commitment to empowering others, delegating authority

  • Team Management: Skill in leading and developing teams,

Rating Scale: 1- Poor, 2- Below Average, 3- Average, 4- Good, 5- Excellent.

Evaluation Table





Efficiency in communicating ideas, tasks, and the overall vision.

Conflict Resolution

Ability to handle conflicts and disputes to ensure a positive work environment.


Efficiency in delegating tasks to the team, ensuring the best use of resources.


Ability to make effective and timely decisions when necessary.


Ability to motivate team, enhance morale, and manage performance.

Emotional Intelligence

Effectively navigates interpersonal relationships with empathy and resilience.


Creating an environment that encourages autonomy and growth.

Team Management

Empowering individuals to achieve shared objectives.

Additional Comments and Notes

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