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Navy Evaluation

Navy Evaluation

Date: [DATE]

Introduction: This Navy Performance Evaluation Form is designed to provide constructive feedback to sailors regarding their performance, strengths, and areas for improvement. As a commanding officer, it is imperative to assess and acknowledge the contributions of sailors while identifying areas where they can grow and develop professionally. This evaluation aims to facilitate meaningful discussions between sailors and their superiors, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the Navy.

Background: The success of any naval operation relies heavily on the performance of its sailors. Recognizing this, it becomes essential to conduct regular evaluations to ensure that sailors are meeting the standards expected of them and to provide them with the necessary guidance to excel in their roles. This evaluation form has been structured to comprehensively assess various aspects of a sailor's performance, including technical proficiency, leadership skills, teamwork, adaptability, initiative, adherence to Navy values and standards, and professional development.

Navy Performance Evaluation Form

Sailor's Name: _______________________

Rank/Rate: _______________________

Evaluation Period: _______________________

Evaluator: _______________________

Rating Scale:

  • 1 (Poor): Significant issues, falls short.

  • 2 (Needs Improvement): Some shortcomings.

  • 3 (Satisfactory): Meets expectations.

  • 4 (Good): Exceeds expectations, minor improvements possible.

  • 5 (Excellent): Consistently exceptional.

Performance Criteria



Rating (1-5)

Technical Proficiency

Competence in performing job-specific tasks, adhering to technical procedures, and utilizing equipment effectively.

Leadership Skills

Ability to lead, inspire, and influence others, demonstrate sound decision-making, and effectively delegate tasks.


Capacity to collaborate with team members, communicate effectively, and contribute positively to group objectives.


Flexibility in adjusting to changing circumstances, willingness to learn new skills, and ability to perform under pressure.


Proactiveness, ability to take charge, and willingness to go above and beyond assigned duties without constant supervision.

Adherence to Navy Values and Standards

Commitment to upholding Navy core values, maintaining discipline, and complying with regulations and policies.

Professional Development

Efforts in seeking personal and professional growth opportunities, including training, education, and career advancement.

Overall Assessment:


Areas for Improvement:

Additional Comments Section:

This section allows for further elaboration on the sailor's performance, including positive points, areas of improvement, and any other significant observations.

Additional Comments

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