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90 Day Self Evaluation

90 Day Self Evaluation


Date: March 19, 2050

Introduction: This tool aims to support individuals in their quest for professional development and personal growth. It is designed to catalyze critical reflection, goal-setting, and personal progress.

Overview: The evaluation focuses on gathering and analyzing data related to individuals' personal and professional accomplishments, abilities, and aspirations. By using a structured approach, it ensures an effective and consistent feedback pattern.


Evaluation Criteria:

Self-awareness: Understands personal strengths and weaknesses, and continuously seeks for improvement.

Self-improvement: Actively works towards personal and professional development by setting and achieving growth-focused goals.

Skill development: Improves job-specific skills and knowledge through continuous learning.

Goal setting: Set clear, attainable, relevant, and time-bound personal goals. - Response to feedback: Accepts feedback and makes necessary adjustments. - Self-motivation: Demonstrates a desire to achieve personal and professional goals.




Evaluation (1-5)


Understanding personal attributes

Recognizes personal strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement


Continuous growth

Actively engages in self-development and learning

Skill development

Job-specific skill improvement

Develops job-related skills and knowledge regularly

Goal setting

SMART goals

Sets specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals

Response to feedback

Feedback receptivity

Accepts and acts on feedback effectively


Drive towards goals

Shows motivation and tenacity toward goal achievement

Rating Scale:

1 - Significant Improvement Needed

2 - Improvement Desired

3 - Meets Expectations

4 - Exceeds Expectations

5 - Exceptional Performance



Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding your personal development journey over the past 90 days. Your insights are valuable in shaping future strategies and initiatives for continued growth and improvement.

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