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Fire Drill Evaluation

Fire Drill Evaluation

Date of Drill: [Date]

Location: [Location]

Evaluator(s): [Names]


The purpose of this Fire Drill Evaluation Form is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the fire drill conducted at [Location] on [Date]. The evaluation aims to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in evacuation procedures, communication protocols, response time, and overall emergency preparedness. Your feedback is valuable in enhancing our fire safety measures and ensuring the safety of all occupants.


  1. General Information: Fill in the details regarding the date of the drill, location, start time, duration, weather conditions, and the number of participants.

  2. Evacuation Procedures: Evaluate the activation of alarm systems, clarity of evacuation routes, orderliness of evacuation, reaching designated assembly points, and any observed bottlenecks or obstructions.

  3. Communication: Assess the effectiveness of initial alerts, communication methods, clarity of evacuation instructions, and communication during the drill.

  4. Response Time: Record the time taken for participants to begin evacuating, the promptness of notifying emergency responders, and any observed delays in response.

  5. Equipment and Facilities: Check the availability and functionality of firefighting equipment, accessibility of emergency exits, and the condition of safety equipment and facilities.

  6. Overall Assessment: Rate the overall effectiveness of the fire drill, identify strengths, and highlight areas for improvement.

  7. Comments and Recommendations: Provide any additional comments, suggestions, or recommendations for enhancing future fire drills and emergency preparedness efforts.

I. General Information:

Time Started:

Duration of Drill:

Weather Conditions (if applicable):

Number of Participants:

  • Staff:

  • Students/Residents/Occupants:

II. Evacuation Procedures:

Was the alarm system activated promptly?

  • Yes

  • No

Were evacuation routes clearly marked and easily accessible?

  • Yes

  • No

Did participants evacuate in an orderly manner?

  • Yes

  • No

Were designated assembly points reached safely?

  • Yes

  • No

Any observed bottlenecks or obstructions during evacuation?

  • Yes

  • No

III. Communication:

How was the initial alert communicated (e.g., alarm, announcement)?

  • Yes

  • No

Were communication methods effective in alerting all occupants?

  • Yes

  • No

Was there clear communication regarding evacuation procedures?

  • Yes

  • No

How were updates or additional instructions communicated during the drill?

  • Yes

  • No

IV. Response Time:

How long did it take for participants to begin evacuating after the alarm sounded?

Were emergency responders (if applicable) notified promptly?

  • Yes

  • No

Any observed delays in response from participants or emergency personnel?

V. Equipment and Facilities:

Were fire extinguishers or other firefighting equipment readily available and functional?

  • Yes

  • No

Were emergency exits unobstructed and easily opened?

  • Yes

  • No

Any observed issues with the condition or maintenance of safety equipment or facilities?


VI. Overall Assessment:

Rate the overall effectiveness of the fire drill:

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Needs Improvement

Identify strengths observed during the drill:


Identify areas for improvement:


VII. Comments and Recommendations:

Remember to review the completed evaluation form, discuss findings with relevant stakeholders, and implement any necessary improvements to enhance fire safety procedures and emergency preparedness.

Evaluation Templates @