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Physical Therapy Initial Evaluation

Physical Therapy Initial Evaluation


Date: [Date]

Patient Information

Patient Name

Date of Birth


Contact Number

Medical History

Chief Complain

Past Medical History

Current Medication

Surgical History


Family History


This evaluation will assess the patient's current condition and goals to develop an individualized treatment plan. It will facilitate our understanding of the patient's specific needs.


This comprehensive evaluation seeks to provide a structured and organized understanding of the patient's wellness objectives. It aims for an accurate assessment of their current physical performance to devise a suitable therapy plan.

Rating Scale

Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 indicating inadequacy, 2 indicating moderate proficiency, and 3 indicating excellence in fulfilling the evaluation criteria. These ratings are relative and should be interpreted within the context of the specific evaluation criteria provided.

1 - Inadequate

  • Signifies a minimal or insufficient level of performance.

  • Indicates that the criteria are poorly addressed or not addressed at all.

  • Demonstrates a lack of understanding, effort, or capability in fulfilling the evaluation criteria.

2 - Moderate Proficiency

  • Represents a satisfactory but not exceptional level of performance.

  • Shows some effort and competency in addressing the evaluation criteria.

  • Indicates that the criteria are partially met or met to some extent, but with room for improvement.

3 - Excellent

  • Reflects a high level of performance that surpasses expectations.

  • Indicates thoroughness, accuracy, and effectiveness in fulfilling the evaluation criteria.

  • Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding and proficient execution of the evaluation criteria.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria



Physical Assessment

A thorough evaluation of muscle strength, joint mobility, balance, and coordination.

Goal Identification

Understanding the patient's goals and motivation for participating in physical therapy.

Functional Limitations

Identification of limitations that impact the patient's daily function or routine.

Treatment Planning

Creating a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan based on the aforementioned factors.

Additional Comments and Notes:



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