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6 Month Evaluation

6 Month Evaluation


Date: [DATE]

Introduction: Welcome to your bi-annual Employee Performance Evaluation. This form is designed to accurately assess your work performance over the past 6 months.

Evaluation Overview: The focus is to highlight your strengths, and achievements while identifying areas that require further improvement. Your input helps us to understand your perception of your performance.

Evaluation Criteria Include: Job Knowledge, Quality of Work, Work Habits, Cooperation, Attendance, Initiative, and Adherence to Company Policy.

Ratings on the scale signify the following:

  • Improvements Needed (1)

  • Below Expectations (2)

  • Meets Expectations (3)

  • Exceeds Expectations (4)

  • Outstanding (5)



Rating (1-5)

Job Knowledge

Understanding and demonstration of skills, knowledge, and responsibilities related to the position.

Quality of Work

Accuracy, thoroughness, and acceptability of work performed.

Work Habits

Effectiveness in organizing, prioritizing, and accomplishing tasks.


Ability to work with colleagues and superiors, demonstrating teamwork and a positive attitude.


Consistency and punctuality in attendance, respect for break and lunch guidelines.


Display of effort and courage to undertake tasks and challenges.

Adherence to Company Policy

Maintains professional conduct and follows company guidelines and procedures.

Additional Comments and Notes

If you have any comments about the evaluation, please feel free to leave them in the comments box. Your feedback is valuable to us.

Comments and Notes

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