Tradeshow Evaluation

Tradeshow Evaluation

[Your Company Name]

Date: [DATE]


This evaluation aims to analyze the effectiveness, impact, and success of the trade show event. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve future events and ensure the best experience for attendees, exhibitors, and organizers alike.


Trade shows serve as crucial platforms for networking, showcasing products, and generating leads. This evaluation seeks to assess various aspects of the trade show, including attendee engagement, booth performance, lead generation, return on investment (ROI), and overall event organization.


The Tradeshow Evaluation Form gathers feedback on attendee engagement, booth performance, lead generation, ROI, event organization, networking quality, and marketing effectiveness. This helps organizers evaluate the event's success and improve future events for better participant experience.

Evaluation Criteria:

The following criteria will be used in this evaluation:

  • Attendee Engagement - This criteria assesses attendee involvement during events using factors like staff interaction, activity participation, inquiries made, and interest in offerings. High engagement implies enthusiasm, while low engagement could suggest disinterest or poor engagement tactics.

  • Booth Performance - Booth performance evaluates how well your booth draws in and engages visitors, taking into account design, layout, signage, interactivity, product displays, and staff expertise. High performance conveys successful attendee engagement and message communication, while low performance denotes a need for improvement in these areas.

  • Lead Generation - Lead generation assesses the number and quality of potential business opportunities obtained during an event and gauges the success of lead capture strategies and the relevance of offerings to attendees.

  • Return on Investment (ROI) - ROI measures an event's financial success by comparing benefits to costs. It calculates net profit/loss from the event. A positive ROI means a profit was made, negative suggests a loss and break-even ROI indicates equal benefits and costs.

  • Overall Event Organization - This criterion assesses the event's organization and management, considering factors like venue choice, scheduling, logistics, promotions, registration, and attendee experience. Good organization ensures smooth execution and a positive experience for all, while bad organization can cause logistical problems, schedule clashes, or participant dissatisfaction.

Each criterion will be rated on a scale of 1-5 where:

1 - Very Poor
2 - Poor
3 - Fair
4 - Good
5 - Excellent

Evaluation Table



Rating (1-5)

Attendee Engagement

Measures attendee’s interaction and engagement levels.

Booth Performance

Evaluates the overall performance of the booth including visual appeal and staff interactions.

Lead Generation

Analyses the number of effective leads generated during the event.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Assesses the financial returns garnered from the event versus the cost.

Overall Event Organization

Evaluates the overall organization and management of the event.

Additional Comments and Notes


Comments or Additional Notes

Attendee Engagement

Booth Performance

Lead Generation

Return on Investment (ROI)

Overall Event Organization

Evaluation Templates @