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Mental Health Evaluation

Mental Health Evaluation


Patient Name

Date of Birth


Evaluation Date



This Mental Health Evaluation aims to assess the severity and impact of symptoms on daily functioning. It is essential for understanding an individual's mental health status and guiding appropriate interventions.


Mental health disorders can significantly affect various aspects of daily functioning. Assessing the severity and impact of symptoms is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning.

Guidelines for Severity and Impact Rating

Severity (0-10):

  • 0: Absence of symptoms.

  • 1-3: Mild symptoms with minimal interference.

  • 4-6: Moderate symptoms affecting daily activities.

  • 7-9: Severe symptoms significantly impacting functioning.

  • 10: Extreme symptoms rendering daily functioning impossible.

Impact on Daily Functioning (0-10):

  • 0: No impact on daily functioning.

  • 1-3: Mild impact, occasional disruptions.

  • 4-6: Moderate impact, noticeable difficulties.

  • 7-9: Severe impact, significant impairment.

  • 10: Extreme impact, inability to function.

Evaluation Form


Severity (0-10)

Impact on Daily Functioning (0-10)

1. Depressed mood

2. Anxiety

3. Sleep disturbances

4. Impaired concentration and decision-making

5. Social withdrawal

6. Irritability or anger

7. Suicidal thoughts or behaviors

8. Substance use or abuse

9. Hallucinations or delusions

10. Disorganized thinking

11. Appetite changes

12. Fatigue or loss of energy

13. Hopelessness or worthlessness

14. Relationship difficulties

15. Occupational problems



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