Free Cleaning Services Campaign Resolution Form Template

Cleaning Services Campaign Resolution Form

This form is designed to facilitate the resolution of issues or complaints related to cleaning services provided by our company. Please fill out the form with detailed information about the problem and the steps taken to address it. Your feedback helps us ensure customer satisfaction.


[Month, Day, Year]

Customer Name:

Customer Address:

Customer Phone Number:

Customer Email:

Description of Issue:

Resolution Steps Taken:

Additional Comments/Notes:

Acknowledgment of Resolution:

I, [Your Client / Subscriber / User Name], acknowledge that the above-described issue has been addressed and resolved to my satisfaction.

[Month, Day, Year]


For Office Use Only:

Date Resolved:

[Month, Day, Year]

Resolved By:

[Your Name]

Resolution Details:

Follow-Up Actions (if any):

[Month, Day, Year]

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