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Cleaning Services Media Buying Slip

Cleaning Services Media Buying Slip

This Cleaning Services Media Buying Slip serves as a formal agreement between [Your Cleaning Services Company Name] and the selected media outlet. Please fill out the required information accurately, sign where indicated, and retain a copy for your records. This document confirms the details and terms of your advertisement placement, ensuring clarity and compliance.

Company Information

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]


[Your Company Address]

Contact Information:

[Your Company Number] , Your Company Email]

Media Buying Details


Date and Time:


Cost and Payment Information

Cost of Media Placement:

Discounts or Negotiated Rates:

Payment Terms:

Total Amount:

Terms and Conditions



Confirmation and Authorization

I, [Your Name], representing [Your Cleaning Services Company Name], hereby confirm and authorize the placement of the above-described advertisement with [Media Outlet Name] as outlined in this Media Buying Slip.

[Month, Day, Year]

Additional Notes or Instructions

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