Free Mental Health Program Evaluation Template



Free Mental Health Program Evaluation Template

Mental Health Program Evaluation

Company Name

[Your Company Name]


[Your Company Email]


[Your Company Website]


This Mental Health Program Evaluation Form is designed to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of our mental health program in achieving its intended outcomes and goals. The evaluation aims to identify strengths and weaknesses within the program, optimize resource allocation, inform policy and decision-making, ensure accountability, and promote stakeholder engagement. Your feedback is crucial in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of our mental health services.


Our mental health program is committed to providing high-quality, ethical, and culturally responsive services to improve the well-being and quality of life for participants. Through this evaluation, we seek to gain valuable insights into the program's performance, identify areas for improvement, and enhance our ability to meet the diverse needs of our community.


Please rate each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, based on your observation and experience with the call center representatives. Additionally, feel free to provide additional comments or feedback to supplement your ratings.

Rating Scale

  1. Poor

  2. Fair

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Excellent




Effectiveness in achieving outcomes

Improvement in participant functioning

Enhancement of participant quality of life

Identification of program strengths

Identification of program weaknesses

Efficiency of resource allocation

Evidence-based insights for policy and decision-making

Accountability in service delivery

Stakeholder engagement effectiveness


Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding the mental health program's performance, strengths, weaknesses, or suggestions for improvement. Your input is highly valued and will contribute to the ongoing enhancement of our services.

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