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Occupational Therapy Discharge Summary

Occupational Therapy Discharge Summary

Client Information

  • Name: [CLIENT NAME]

  • Age: [AGE]

  • Therapist: [YOUR NAME]

  • Diagnosis: [DIAGNOSIS]

  • Service Period: [START DATE] - [END DATE]

Treatment Overview

This summary details the occupational therapy services provided to [CLIENT NAME], focusing on the progress and achievements made during the treatment period. The therapy aimed to improve [CLIENT SPECIFIC FUNCTIONAL GOALS], aligning with the client's personal and healthcare goals.

Goals and Achievements


Interventions Utilized


Achievement Status

Improve fine motor skills

Adaptive tools training, Hand exercises

Enhanced ability to perform daily tasks


Increase joint mobility

Therapeutic exercises, Manual therapy techniques

Improved joint range of motion and reduced pain

Partially Achieved

Enhance daily living activities

Task modification strategies, Environmental adaptations

Greater independence in daily living activities


Summary of Progress

[CLIENT NAME] demonstrated significant improvements in occupational performance, particularly in areas such as [SPECIFY AREAS]. Through dedicated participation in prescribed interventions, the client achieved notable progress towards their initial goals, contributing to an enhanced quality of life and greater independence.

Recommendations for Continued Care

  • Home Exercise Program: Continue with the prescribed exercise regimen to maintain and further enhance functional gains.

  • Community Resources: Engage with local support groups or community centers offering programs for individuals with similar conditions.

  • Follow-up Assessments: Schedule periodic evaluations with an occupational therapist to monitor progress and adjust care plans as needed.

Future Plans

Based on [CLIENT NAME]'s current level of progress, the following future plans are recommended to support ongoing improvement:

  • Workplace Modifications: Implement additional ergonomic adjustments as occupational demands evolve.

  • Adaptive Techniques: Explore advanced adaptive strategies for emerging challenges in daily activities.

  • Professional Consultations: Consider consultations with related healthcare professionals for comprehensive support, e.g., physical therapists, speech therapists, or psychologists.


[CLIENT NAME] has successfully completed the prescribed course of occupational therapy, achieving significant milestones that contribute to a more independent and fulfilling life. It is imperative to continue practicing learned strategies and engage in recommended activities to sustain and build upon the progress made. The occupational therapy team remains committed to supporting [CLIENT NAME]'s journey towards optimal functional performance and well-being.

Summarized By: [YOUR NAME]

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