Free Monthly Evaluation Template



Free Monthly Evaluation Template

Monthly Evaluation


Date: March 20, 2056

Employee Information:

Employee Name:

Job Title:


Evaluation Period:

Introduction: This evaluation aims to assess the performance of employees every month. It serves as a tool for fostering continuous improvement and identifying trends.

Evaluation Overview:

The Monthly Evaluation is a dynamic process addressing performance, goal tracking, and areas for potential improvement. This tool helps set new objectives for the coming months.

Evaluation Criteria:

As part of this Monthly Evaluation, we will be assessing the following main criteria:

  • Task Completion & Timeliness: The degree to which tasks are finished and delivered on schedule.

  • Quality of Work: Consistency and quality presented in the executed tasks.

  • Team Collaboration: Contribution to team efforts and ability to work well with others.

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to identify and efficiently tackle issues as they arise.

  • Goal Achievement: The degree to which set monthly goals have been met


  1. Performance Category: Assess the employee's performance in each category listed above.

  2. Rating (Checklist): Place a checkmark (√) next to the appropriate rating for each category.

  3. Comments: Provide specific comments or feedback for each category to support the assigned rating.

Rating Guide:

1 - Unsatisfactory (Rarely meets expectations)

2 - Improvement Needed (Sometimes meets expectations)

3 - Satisfactory (Often meets expectations)

4 - Very Good (Consistently meets expectations)

5 - Outstanding (Exceeds expectations, sets and achieves high standards)

Employee Evaluation Form:

Performance Category



Task Completion & Timeliness

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Improvement Needed

  • Satisfactory

  • Very Good

  • Outstanding

Quality of Work

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Improvement Needed

  • Satisfactory

  • Very Good

  • Outstanding

Team Collaboration

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Improvement Needed

  • Satisfactory

  • Very Good

  • Outstanding

Problem-Solving Skills

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Improvement Needed

  • Satisfactory

  • Very Good

  • Outstanding

Goal Achievement

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Improvement Needed

  • Satisfactory

  • Very Good

  • Outstanding

Additional Notes

Please provide any additional notes in the space below.

Additional Notes

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