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Sensory Evaluation

Sensory Evaluation


Introduction: This is a sensory evaluation form designed to ensure our products meet the high-quality sensory standards.

Overview: It provides critical feedback on significant aspects of the product from sensory dimensions. The feedback received will guide product development and enhancement.


Evaluation Criteria

Product Information:

  • Product Name: ________________________________

  • Date of Evaluation: ____________________________

  • Evaluator's Name: _____________________________

Instruction: For each sensory attribute, mark the checkbox that best represents your evaluation of the product's characteristics.

  • Use the following guide to determine your rating:

    • Appearance: Assess the color, and uniformity of the product.

    • Aroma: Evaluate the intensity and desirability of the product's scent.

    • Taste: Determine the sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and bitterness of the product.

    • Texture: Evaluate the mouthfeel, moisture, and chewiness of the product.

    • Overall Acceptance: Indicate your likelihood of purchasing the product based on its sensory attributes.

  1. Appearance:

  • Color:

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Fair

  • Poor

  • Uniformity:

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Fair

  • Poor

  1. Aroma:

  • Intensity:

  • Strong

  • Moderate

  • Weak

  • None

  • Desirability:

  • Pleasant

  • Neutral

  • Unpleasant

  1. Taste:

  • Sweetness:

  • Too Sweet

  • Just Right

  • Too Little

  • None

  • Saltiness:

  • Too Salty

  • Just Right

  • Too Little

  • None

  • Sourness:

  • Too Sour

  • Just Right

  • Too Little

  • None

  • Bitterness:

  • Too Bitter

  • Just Right

  • Too Little

  • None

  1. Texture:

  • Mouthfeel:

  • Smooth

  • Grainy

  • Gritty

  • Other: ___________________

  • Moisture:

  • Moist

  • Dry

  • Chewiness:

  • Too Chewy

  • Just Right

  • Too Soft

  • Too Hard

  1. Overall Acceptance:

  • Likelihood of Purchase:

  • Definitely Would

  • Probably Would

  • Might or Might Not

  • Probably Would Not

  • Definitely Would Not


Additional Comments and Notes


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