Free Youth Program Evaluation Template



Free Youth Program Evaluation Template

Youth Program Evaluation


Date: [Date]

This form is designed to assess the effectiveness and impact of our youth-targeted programs. The purpose is to evaluate the program's success in meeting its set goals.

Primarily, we will be considering program objectives, activities, participant demographics, satisfaction levels, and overall success.

Evaluation Criteria:

Program Objectives: Set clear, achievable, and impactful goals for youth participants.

Activities: Provides beneficial, engaging, and development-oriented activities.

Participant Demographics: Attracts a diverse participant group and is inclusive.

Satisfaction Levels: Ensures high participant satisfaction by meeting their needs and expectations.

Overall Success: Achieves stated goals and has a positive impact on participants.

Evaluation Form:

Evaluation Categories




Program Objectives

Clear, Achievable, Impactful

Evaluation of program objectives in terms of clarity, achievability, and expected impact.


Beneficial, Engaging, Oriented

Assess the provided activities for their benefit, engagement, and orientation towards development.

Participant Demographics

Diverse, Inclusive

Evaluate the participant demographics and the program’s inclusivity.

Satisfaction Levels

Meet Needs, Expectations

Measure participants' satisfaction levels.

Overall Success

Achievement of Goals, Positive Impact

Evaluation of the overall success of the program in terms of goals achieved and positive impact on participants.

Note: The rating scale for each criterion is as follows: 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good, 5 = Excellent.

Additional Comments and Notes:


Participant Evaluation

Evaluation Templates @