Free Cleaning Services Employee Appraisal Form Template

Cleaning Services Employee Appraisal Form

This Cleaning Services Employee Appraisal Form is designed to assess your performance accurately and provide valuable feedback for your professional growth. Please carefully review each criterion, providing honest self-evaluation where applicable. Your input is essential for effective goal setting and performance improvement. Thank you for your cooperation.

Employee Information

Employee Name:

Job Title:


Date of Appraisal:

Performance Criteria

Rate each criterion from 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent, based on the employee's performance. Provide comments to elaborate on the rating and offer constructive feedback.


Rating (1-5)


Quality of Work


Attention to Detail


Customer Service


Communication Skills

Adherence to Safety

Compliance with Policies


Overall Performance


Please provide constructive comments and feedback on the employee's performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

A. Strengths

B. Areas for Improvement

C. Other Comments

Goal Setting

Set clear and achievable goals for the employee's professional development in the upcoming appraisal period. Ensure goals are specific, measurable, and relevant.

A. Employee Goals/Objectives for Next Appraisal Period

B. Professional Development/Training Needs

Employee Self-Evaluation

Please provide your own assessment of your performance over the past appraisal period, including strengths, areas for improvement, and any additional comments.


[Employee Name]




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