Advertising Audience Persona Form

Advertising Audience Persona Form

Audience Persona Sheet for [Your Company Name] Advertising


Persona Name: [Your Name]





Marital Status:




Sarah is a young professional who thrives on adventure and exploration. She has a stable job as a marketing manager for a tech startup in Denver, which provides her with a comfortable income. Sarah is single and enjoys the freedom to pursue her passions.


  1. Interests: Hiking, rock climbing, traveling, outdoor photography, music festivals

  2. Values: Freedom, self-expression, personal growth, environmental conservation

  3. Goals: To visit every national park in the United States, learn new outdoor skills, and document her adventures on social media.

  4. Challenges: Finding the right gear for her outdoor pursuits, balancing work and adventure, and staying up-to-date on the latest outdoor trends.

Online Behavior:

  1. Active on Instagram and Pinterest, where she follows adventure and travel influencers.

  2. Subscribed to outdoor adventure blogs and magazines.

  3. Participates in online forums and communities dedicated to hiking and rock climbing.

Shopping Behavior

  1. Prefers high-quality outdoor gear and clothing.

  2. Values sustainable and eco-friendly products.

  3. Often makes purchases online after reading reviews and recommendations.

How [Your Company Name] Can Appeal to Sarah Adventure-Seeker:

1. Tailored Product Recommendations

Provide personalized recommendations for outdoor gear and clothing based on her interests and activities.

2. Educational Content

Create blog posts, videos, and guides on outdoor skills and adventures to help Sarah expand her knowledge.

3. Engaging Social Media

Share user-generated content and success stories from other adventure-seekers who have used your products.

4. Sustainability Initiatives

Highlight your company's commitment to eco-friendly and sustainable practices in product manufacturing.

5. Adventure Challenges

Organize online challenges or contests related to outdoor adventures, encouraging Sarah to participate and share her experiences on social media.

Understanding and catering to [Sarah]'s passion for adventure and her desire for high-quality, sustainable products will help [Your Company Name] connect with and serve this valuable audience persona effectively.

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