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Parent Survey Coach Evaluation

Parent Survey Coach Evaluation


Date: [DATE]


Evaluation Period:


This evaluation seeks to analyze the satisfaction level of parents with the coaching program and the coach's performance. It is designed to provide detailed insights and feedback for improvement.


Through a series of thoughtfully constructed questions, the evaluation seeks to assess several facets of the coaching process, from the approachability and efficiency of the coach to the effectiveness and relevance of the program itself. This constructive feedback will be instrumental in continuously enhancing the program's quality.


The following performance metrics will be scrutinized in this evaluation: Quality of coaching, coach proficiency, communication effectiveness, program relevance, and overall satisfaction.

Rating Scale:

2- Below Average


4-Above Average


Evaluation Criteria


Rating Scale (1-5)

Quality of Coaching

This metric assesses the overall effectiveness and quality of the coaching provided.

Coach Proficiency

This measures the ability of the coach to effectively guide and mentor.

Communication Effectiveness

This evaluates the efficacy of communication between the coach, child, and parents.

Program Relevance

This metric assesses the relevance and usefulness of the program to the child's needs and parents' expectations.

Overall Satisfaction

This assesses the parents' overall satisfaction with the coaching program and the coach's performance.

Additional Comments or Notes

If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the evaluation, kindly include them in the designated comment box. Your input is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration for future improvements. Thank you for your cooperation.

Comments or Notes

Use this space to provide any additional comments or feedback that you may have.

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