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Hockey Tryout Evaluation

Hockey Tryout Evaluation



Introduction: This evaluation objectively measures players' skills and abilities during tryouts. It aids in team selections and offers developmental feedback.

Overview of Evaluation: The form assesses critical hockey performance metrics to identify strengths and areas for improvement, informing team selections.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Puck Handling: Ability to maneuver, control, and protect the puck.

  2. Skating Ability: Speed, agility, and balance on ice.

  3. Shooting: Accuracy, power, and variety of shots.

  4. Defensive Play: Ability to intercept, block, and tackle the opposition.

  5. Positioning: Understanding and being in the right place at the right time.

  6. Teamwork: Collaboration, communication, and effectiveness in team settings.

  7. Endurance: Maintaining high performance throughout the game.

  8. Strength: Effectiveness in physical contact, checking, and strength in challenges.


  • Evaluation Criteria: Assess each player based on the following criteria, considering their performance in various aspects of the game.

  • Rating (1-5): Assign a rating from 1 to 5 for each criterion, indicating the player's proficiency level in that specific skill or ability.

  • Comments: Provide specific comments or feedback for each criterion to support the assigned rating. Include observations or instances that illustrate the player's performance in each area.

Rating Scale:

1: Poor - Significantly below expectations.

2: Below Average - Slightly below expectations.

3: Average - Meeting standard expectations.

4: Above Average - Slightly above expectations.

5: Excellent - Surpassing expectations.




Rating (1-5)


Puck Handling

Ability to maneuver, control, and protect the puck.

Skating Ability

Speed, agility, and balance while on ice.


Accuracy, power, and variety of shots.

Defensive Play

Ability to intercept, block, and tackle the opposition.


Understanding and being in the right place at the right time.


Ability to collaborate, communicate, and work effectively with the team.


Ability to maintain high performance throughout the game.


Effectiveness in physical contact, checking, and strength in challenges.

Additional Comments:

Additional notes and comments

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