Free Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation Template

Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation


Date: March 20, 2050

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Introduction: The enclosed document provides a structured template for an Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation. This tool is designed for integral evaluation purposes.

Overview: This evaluation is focused on assessing the function of orofacial muscles and oral habits. The results can be used to guide therapeutic planning and monitor improvement.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Lip Function: Assessing lip strength, range of motion, and coordination.

  2. Tongue Function: Evaluating tongue strength, mobility, and positioning during rest and movement.

  3. Oral Rest Posture: Examining the resting position of the tongue, lips, and jaw.

  4. Swallowing Function: Assessing the swallow pattern, including any signs of dysfunction or deviations.

  5. Speech Function: Evaluating articulation, phonation, and resonance.

  6. Oral Habits: Identifying any deleterious oral habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrust, or bruxism.


  1. Criteria: Review each criterion listed below to assess various aspects of orofacial myofunctional function.

  2. Description: Familiarize yourself with the description provided for each criterion to understand what aspects of orofacial myofunctional function they cover.

  3. Score: Assign a score to each criterion based on the individual's performance. Utilize the provided score scale to indicate the level of achievement observed.

  4. Comments: Provide any additional comments or observations related to the individual's performance in each criterion. Offer specific feedback to support the assigned score.

Score Scale:

  • 1: Poor

  • 2: Below Average

  • 3: Average

  • 4: Above Average

  • 5: Excellent

Evaluation Table:





Lip Function

Assess lip strength, range of motion, and coordination.

Tongue Function

Evaluate tongue strength, mobility, and positioning.

Oral Rest Posture

Examine the resting position of the tongue, lips, and jaw.

Swallowing Function

Assess swallow pattern and any signs of dysfunction.

Speech Function

Evaluate articulation, phonation, and resonance.

Oral Habits

Identify deleterious oral habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrust.

Additional Notes and Comments:

Additional notes and comments

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