Free Student Lesson Plan Evaluation Template



Free Student Lesson Plan Evaluation Template

Student Lesson Plan Evaluation

Evaluator's Name:

[Your Name]


January 20, 2055


The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the quality and effectiveness of lesson plans in achieving desired student learning outcomes. We aim to provide constructive feedback to educators for instructional improvement by examining various components.


The evaluation assesses different aspects of lesson plans, focusing on clarity of objectives, alignment with standards, variety of activities, and student engagement. Feedback from this evaluation will enhance teaching effectiveness.


Please review each criterion and assess the lesson plan based on effectiveness, relevance, and impact on student learning outcomes. Use the rating scale to indicate effectiveness for each criterion.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Clarity of Objectives: Assess the clarity and specificity of the lesson objectives in guiding student learning.

  2. Alignment with Standards: Evaluate the alignment of lesson objectives, activities, and assessments with curriculum standards or learning goals.

  3. Variety of Activities: Examine the variety and engagement level of activities included in the lesson plan to cater to diverse learning styles.

  4. Use of Materials/Resources: Assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of materials and resources used to support lesson delivery.

  5. Student Engagement: Evaluate the level of student engagement and participation facilitated by the lesson plan activities.

  6. Assessment Strategies: Examine the effectiveness of assessment strategies in measuring student understanding and achievement of lesson objectives.

  7. Reflection and Revision: Assess the inclusion of opportunities for reflection and lesson plan revision based on student feedback and outcomes.

Rating Scale

  • 1 - Ineffective: The lesson plan component does not effectively contribute to achieving the intended student learning outcomes.

  • 2 - Needs Improvement: The lesson plan component shows some weaknesses and requires improvement to better support student learning outcomes.

  • 3 - Adequate: The lesson plan component meets basic expectations but may benefit from enhancements to further support student learning outcomes.

  • 4 - Effective: The lesson plan component effectively supports student learning outcomes and contributes positively to the learning experience.

  • 5 - Highly Effective: The lesson plan component is highly effective in achieving the intended student learning outcomes and significantly enhances the learning experience.







Clarity of Objectives

Alignment with Standards

Variety of Activities

Use of Materials/Resources

Student Engagement

Assessment Strategies

Reflection and Revision

Additional Notes and Comments

Comments and Notes

Evaluation Templates @