Free School Program Evaluation Template



Free School Program Evaluation Template

School Program Evaluation

Date: [DATE]


This evaluation aims to gather valuable insights and feedback from stakeholders to enhance the quality and effectiveness of our school programs. Your input is crucial in guiding our efforts toward continuous improvement and providing an optimal learning experience for our students.


The purpose of this evaluation is to solicit feedback on various aspects of our school programs, including curriculum, instruction, assessment, and support mechanisms. By assessing these areas, we aim to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for innovation. The feedback obtained will inform decision-making processes and initiatives aimed at enhancing the overall quality of our educational programs.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation will assess the following key performance areas:

  • Program Objectives: Assess if the program's objectives align with intended learning outcomes.

  • Knowledge Transfer: Evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge imparted in the program.

  • Instructional Delivery: Evaluate the effectiveness of instructional delivery methods.

  • Assessments: Assess if the evaluation methods used in the program are fair and effective.

  • Student Engagement: Examine the level of students' participation and engagement in the program.

  • Infrastructure: Evaluate the sufficiency and efficiency of instructional materials, facilities, and equipment used in the program.

  • Program Administration: Assess the program's management, including planning, coordination, and communication.


We request your help to evaluate our school program using the provided criteria, rated on a scale of 1-5. Please note that 1 represents poor performance and 5 represents excellent performance. Please rate each criterion accordingly.

Rating Scale:

1 - Poor

2 - Below Average

3 - Average

4 - Above Average

5 - Excellent

Program Evaluation Form

Evaluation Criteria



Program Objectives

The program's success in meeting its objectives and aligning with intended learning outcomes

Knowledge Transfer

The effectiveness of the knowledge imparted through the program

Instructional Delivery

The effectiveness of instructional delivery methods used


The fairness and effectiveness of the evaluation methods used in the program

Student Engagement

The level of students' participation and engagement in the program


The sufficiency and efficiency of instructional materials, facilities, and equipment used

Program Administration

The efficiency of the program's management, including planning, coordination, and communication

Additional Comments and Notes

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