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Resident Evaluation

Resident Evaluation Form

[Your Company Name]

Date: [Insert Date]


The primary objective of this particular evaluation is to assess and quantify both the performance and behavioral characteristics of all residents living within our community.

Overview of the Evaluation:

In aiming to guarantee a report on each resident's conduct that is fair, unbiased, and clear, this evaluation will be utilizing a comprehensive set of guidelines. These guidelines have been thoroughly designed and developed with the explicit intent of making sure our evaluations of residents' behaviors are as objective and transparent as possible.

Evaluation Metrics:

Our evaluation employs various criteria to assess residents, including behavior, adherence to community rules, cleanliness, participation in community activities, and neighbor relationships.

Rating scale: 1= Poor, 2= Fair, 3= Good, 4= Very Good, 5= Excellent."



RATING (1-5)


The resident's general conduct and demeanor - is considered polite, respectful, and cooperative.

Adherence to Community Rules

How well the resident follows set community rules and their response to any violated ones.


The cleanliness of the resident's living area and their contribution to keeping communal spaces clean.

Participation in Community Activities

Resident's involvement in various community activities, events, or initiatives arranged.

Neighbor Relations

The quality of relationships the resident maintains with neighbors - considering factors such as communication, respect, and conflict resolution.

Additional Comments and Notes


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