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Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation

Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation

Project/Program Name: [Insert Project/Program Name]

Evaluation Period: [Insert Evaluation Period]

Evaluator's Name: [Insert Evaluator's Name]

Background and Context

The [Project/Program Name] aims to [briefly describe the project/program objectives], targeting [describe the target population]. This initiative addresses [mention any pertinent background information such as the problem being tackled or the context in which the project/program operates]. Providing a clear background will help contextualize the evaluation process.

Cost Analysis





Salaries/wages of project staff. This includes full-time and part-time staff directly involved in project implementation.



Cost of materials and supplies directly used in project activities.



Cost of equipment purchased or leased for project use.



Costs related to facilities, utilities, and administrative overhead.


Administrative Costs

Administrative expenses such as office rent, utilities, and general administrative staff salaries.


Miscellaneous Costs

Other miscellaneous costs are not directly tied to project activities.


Total Costs


Effectiveness Analysis

Quantitative Measures

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Metric 1: [Data] (e.g., Number of units produced, Number of clients served)

  • Metric 2: [Data] (e.g., Percentage increase in target behavior)

  • Metric 3: [Data] (e.g., Reduction in wait times)

Ensure that these metrics directly relate to the objectives of the project/program and are measurable over time.

Qualitative Measures

  • Stakeholder Feedback: Collect feedback from stakeholders involved in or affected by the project/program. This could include participants, staff, partners, and community members.

  • Program/Project Success Stories: Gather examples or anecdotes showcasing the positive outcomes or achievements of the project/program. These stories provide context and depth to the evaluation.

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

This section analyzes the cost-effectiveness of the project/program based on the financial data and effectiveness measures gathered.

  • Cost per Unit of Outcome: Total project/program cost divided by total units of outcome. This helps determine the cost-effectiveness of producing each unit of the desired outcome.

  • Cost per Beneficiary Reached: Total project/program cost divided by the number of beneficiaries reached. This metric helps assess the cost-effectiveness of reaching each beneficiary.

  • Comparison with Similar Projects/Programs: Compare cost-effectiveness with similar initiatives in the field to provide context and identify areas for improvement.


  • Areas for Cost Reduction: Provide recommendations for reducing costs without compromising quality or impact. This could include streamlining processes, renegotiating contracts, or seeking alternative funding sources.

  • Areas for Improvement: Identify areas where effectiveness could be enhanced to improve overall project/program performance. This could involve refining strategies, strengthening partnerships, or expanding outreach efforts.

  • Future Considerations: Suggest future evaluations or adjustments to ensure ongoing improvement and sustainability. This could include monitoring trends, adapting to changing circumstances, or scaling successful interventions.


Summarize the findings of the evaluation and provide an overall assessment of the project/program's cost-effectiveness. Reflect on lessons learned and highlight implications for future planning and implementation.

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