Back To School Syllabus

Back To School Syllabus


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Course Title

Back to School Syllabus Summary

This course aims to provide both educators and students alike with a streamlined format for quick reference of a comprehensive syllabus. Our dedicated focus is to feed two birds with one scone by reinstating beneficial learning and teaching templates.

1. Instructor Information

Course Lead: [YOUR NAME]. I am a dedicated educational resources specialist with a passion for bringing educational efficiency into the digital age. Contact me at [YOUR EMAIL] for additional queries and support.

2. Learning Objectives

  • Understand and employ the core components of a well-defined syllabus

  • Transition from detailed syllabus to a condensed, practical summary

  • Perform strategies for syllabus construction suitable for varying educational contexts

  • Create student-friendly syllabus outlines ensuring comprehensive education

  • Engage with new digital tools and platforms for syllabus design

3. Course Schedule





Introduction to Syllabus Structure

Analysis of a Comprehensive Syllabus


From Detailed to Summarized

First Summary Draft Creation


Contextual Syllabus Construction

Subject-Specific Syllabus Summary Development


Student-Friendly Syllabus Design

Feedback Gathering and Implementation


Engaging with Digital Design Tools

Final Interactive Syllabus Creation

4. Required Reading and Materials

  • ‘The Syllabus as a Communication Document: Constructing and Presenting the Syllabus’- T. Ramsden

  • 'Learning Strategies and Learning Styles'- R. M. Felder

  • 'Syllabus Design'- David Nunan

  • Access to Microsoft Word or Google Docs for Draft Creation

  • Access to graphic design tool Canva for Interactive Syllabus Creation

5. Assignments and Assessments

  • Create an initial summary of a detailed comprehensive syllabus

  • Devise a subject-specific syllabus using the newly acquired summarizing skills

  • Collect feedback from target users and implement changes

  • Design a digital interactive syllabus using your summarized course outline

  • Presentation of Final Syllabus and Self-Reflection on Learning Outcomes

6. Course Policy

  • All assignments should be submitted through the designated online platform, no email submissions will be accepted.

  • Expect respectful, constructive criticism and feedback from both peers and instructors.

  • All course information and content may only be used for educational purposes.

  • Deadlines are firm, late assignment submission will result in a graded penalty.

  • Any abusive or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate expulsion from the course.

7. Grading Policy



Weight (%)


Continual assignments throughout the course


Final Project

Mandatory final project


Class Participation

Involvement in discussions, attendance, and peer interaction


Late Submission Penalty

Penalty enforced for late assignment submissions


per day overdue

8. Disclaimer

Despite our best efforts to ensure that this course provides a thorough training in formulating a synopsis for a syllabus, we want to openly acknowledge that there are myriad variations in every education context. As a result of this complexity and diversity in learning environments, it could potentially result in certain material covered in the course not being applicable in every conceivable scenario.

Syllabus Templates @