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Game Development Syllabus

Game Development Syllabus

Course Title

Game Development

















Office Hours


1. Course Title and Description

This course, Fundamentals of Game Design and Development, aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to conceptualize, design, and develop video games. The course offers a blend of theoretical knowledge along with hands-on experience in creating games from scratch.

2. Instructor Information

The instructor for this course is [YOUR NAME]. They have extensive experience in the game development industry and have successfully released several well-known games. They can be contacted at [YOUR EMAIL].

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basics of game design and development

  • Learn to conceptualize and design feature-rich, engaging game

  • Achieve proficiency in using a variety of game design and development tools

  • Develop problem-solving skills for tackling game design challenges

  • Learn to work on a collaborative game development project

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Game Development

  • Overview of game development process

  • Introduction to game engines

  • Basic concepts in game design


Game Design Principles

  • Understanding player experience

  • Game mechanics and dynamics

  • Prototyping basics


Graphics and Sound in Games

  • Fundamentals of 2D and 3D graphics

  • Sound design principles

  • Implementing graphics and sound assets


Game Development Project

  • Group project kickoff

  • Developing a game concept

  • Creating a basic game prototype

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • “The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses” by Jesse Schell

  • "Beginner's Guide to Game Development" by Zenva Academy

  • "Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction" by Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen

  • Adobe Photoshop (software)

  • Unity (software)

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Submit a game design document that conceptualizes a unique, engaging game

  • Create a basic prototype of a game using Unity

  • Present a group project based on the established game concept

  • Final examination covering all the theoretical topics of the course

  • Peer reviews on the conceptualized game

7. Course Policy

  • All assignments must be submitted by the given deadlines. No late submissions will be accepted.

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All submitted work must be original.

  • Attendance is mandatory. You're allowed 2 absences. Any additional absences can lead to a drop in grades.

  • Respectful communication with peers and instructors is required at all times.

  • All graded assignments will have rubrics which will be provided beforehand.

8. Grading Policy

The final grade for the course will be calculated as: Assignments (50%), Group Project (30%), and Final Examination (20%).

9. Disclaimer

While [YOUR COMPANY NAME] strives to provide accurate and timely information, there may be inadvertent technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors. We reserve the right to make corrections and changes to the course without notice.

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