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Cleaning Services Safety Meeting Minute

Cleaning Services Safety Meeting Minute






Meeting Agenda:

  1. Review of Previous Safety Concerns

  2. Introduction of New Safety Protocols

  3. Equipment Safety and Maintenance Update

  4. Training Schedule for New Safety Measures

  5. Open Discussion on Safety Concerns

  6. Action Items and Assignments

  7. Next Meeting Schedule

1. Review of Previous Safety Concerns:

  • The issue with the storage of cleaning chemicals has been resolved. New shelving units were installed in the storage room to prevent spills.

  • The recurring problem with slippery floors in the entrance area during rainy days was addressed with the placement of additional anti-slip mats.

2. Introduction of New Safety Protocols:

  • [Your Name], the safety officer, introduced new PPE requirements for handling hazardous materials, including gloves, masks, and goggles.

  • A new cleaning protocol for COVID-19 prevention was outlined, emphasizing frequent sanitization of high-touch areas.

3. Equipment Safety and Maintenance Update:

  • A review of the equipment maintenance log revealed that two vacuum cleaners are due for servicing.

  • A reminder to report any malfunctioning equipment immediately to prevent accidents.

4. Training Schedule for New Safety Measures:

  • Scheduled for [Date], the training session will cover the proper use of new PPE and adherence to the updated COVID-19 cleaning protocol. Attendance is mandatory for all staff.

  • [Trainer's Name] will conduct the training, with a follow-up quiz to ensure understanding and compliance.

5. Open Discussion on Safety Concerns:

  • Staff raised concerns about the adequacy of current ventilation when using strong disinfectants. It was agreed that additional portable fans would be purchased for use in poorly ventilated areas.

  • Suggestions were made for a buddy system for late-night shifts, enhancing personal safety. The management will review and implement this suggestion.

6. Action Items and Assignments:

  • Arrange servicing for the vacuum cleaners by [Date].

  • Purchase additional portable fans for improved ventilation by [Date].

  • Management: Review the implementation of a buddy system for late-night shifts.

7. Next Meeting Schedule:

The next safety meeting is scheduled for [Date], time and location will be advised through email. All team members are encouraged to bring any new safety concerns to the table.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at [Time].

Minutes Prepared By: [Your Name]

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