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Advanced Macroeconomics Syllabus

Advanced Macroeconomics Syllabus

Advanced Macroeconomics Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




Class Schedule


Class Location


Office Hours




Class Duration


Course Description


Course Description

This course, organized by [YOUR COMPANY NAME], provides advanced knowledge and the necessary tools for students to deeply understand and analyze macroeconomic theories. Students in this course should already have a basic knowledge of economics, as this material is advanced and requires groundwork understanding.

1. Instructor Information

[YOUR NAME] will be your instructor for this course. Feel free to contact me at [YOUR EMAIL] for any queries about the course material or anything related to the course.

2. Learning Objectives

  • To comprehend and analyze advanced macroeconomic theories and models

  • To evaluate the effect of economic policies on the economy

  • To develop the capability to carry out independent research

  • To understand the effect of different macroeconomic factors on economy

  • To develop problem-solving skills in macroeconomic topics

3. Course Schedule





Introduction to Growth Theory

"Macroeconomics" by N. Gregory Mankiw, Chapter 8: Economic Growth

"Endogenous Growth Theory" by Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt, Journal of Economic Perspectives


Solow Growth Model

"Macroeconomics" by N. Gregory Mankiw, Chapter 7: Economic Growth

- "The Solow Growth Model" by Robert Solow, The American Economic Review


Neoclassical Growth Model

"Macroeconomics" by N. Gregory Mankiw, Chapter 8: Economic Growth

"Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics" by Nancy Stokey and Robert Lucas Jr.


Endogenous Growth Theory

"Endogenous Growth Theory" by Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt, Handbook of Economic Growth

"Macroeconomics" by N. Gregory Mankiw, Chapter 8: Economic Growth

4.Required Readings and Materials

  • Advanced Macroeconomics - David Romer

  • Macroeconomics: Institutions, Instability, and the Financial System - Wendy Carlin and David Soskice

  • Lecture Notes on Macroeconomics - [YOUR NAME]

  • A variety of research and journal articles, to be specified week by week

  • A Financial Calculator

5.Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly problem sets requiring quantitative analysis

  • Two research papers based on topics discussed in the course

  • Mid-term and final exams assessing understanding of the course content

  • One group project analyzing a current macroeconomic issue

  • Class participation, including discussion of readings and problem sets

6.Course Policy

  • All assignments must be submitted on or before the due date. Late submissions may result in a penalty.

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in severe penalties.

  • Students are expected to regularly participate in class discussions.

  • Attendance is mandatory. More than three absences without a valid reason may impact your final grade.

  • All exams must be taken on the scheduled date and time, unless otherwise approved by the instructor.

7.Grading Policy

  • Weekly Assignments: 30%

  • Research Papers: 20%

  • Mid-term Exam: 15%

  • Final Exam: 25%

  • Class Participation: 10%


The syllabus for this course is not set in stone and alterations can be implemented at any point in time based on the judgment and discretion of the teacher. Should there be any modifications to the syllabus, the instructor will endeavour to promptly inform all students in order to keep them updated with any new modifications as soon as it is feasible.

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