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Sustainable Energy Syllabus

Sustainable Energy Syllabus

Sustainable Energy Syllabus Course

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1. Course Description

In this course, we aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of renewable energy sources, technologies, policies, and practices. As we traverse through this engaging journey of learning, we will delve deeper into the environmental and sociopolitical aspects of sustainable energies and their impact on our world.

2. Instructor Information




3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand and classify different types of renewable energy sources.

  • Analyse the role of various technologies in harnessing sustainable energy sources.

  • Identify the environmental, social, and political implications of renewable energy policies.

  • Examine the practice of implementing renewable energy projects from a real-world perspective.

  • Formulate potential solutions and strategies to overcome challenges pertaining to sustainable energy utilization.

5.Course Schedule





Introduction to Sustainable Energy

Overview of sustainable energy sources and their importance


Renewable Energy Technologies

Explanation of wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy systems


Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Strategies for reducing energy consumption and increasing efficiency


Sustainable Energy Policy

Discussion on government policies, incentives, and regulations for sustainable energy

6. Required Readings and Materials

  • Book: "Renewable: The World-Changing Power of Alternative Energy" by Jeremy Shere

  • Documentary: "Before the Flood" by Leonardo DiCaprio

  • Article: "The Future of Wind Turbines? No Blades" on WIRED

  • Research Paper: "The Role of Policy in Renewable Energy Market Evolution: a Case Study of the Wind Energy Market" on ScienceDirect

  • Website: Renewable Energy World for staying updated with current trends and news

7. Assignments and Assessments

  • Review Article: Students will draft a critical review on a current research paper related to renewable energy.

  • Group Project: In groups, students will develop a proposal for a potential renewable energy project, including potential benefits, challenges, and strategies.

  • Class Debate: A class debate will be conducted on the pros and cons of different renewable energy sources.

  • Policy Analysis: Students will critique a government policy paper on renewable energy.

  • Final Exam: A comprehensive exam covering all the material studied throughout the course.

8. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Regular and punctual attendance is crucial for understanding the course material and participation in group discussions.

  • Late Submissions: Late coursework submissions will be penalized unless in case of a legitimate excuse.

  • Academic Honesty: Any form of academic misconduct including cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  • Classroom Etiquette: Respect towards classmates, instructor, and classroom norms is a non-negotiable.

  • Email Etiquette: All correspondence must be formal and relevant to the course. Expect replies within 48 hours.

9. Grading Policy

Grades will be based on class participation (10%), review article (15%), group project (20%), class debate (15%), policy analysis (20%), and final exam (20%).

10. Disclaimer

The syllabus provided at the beginning of this course might not remain the same throughout the semester. The information that it contains and the schedule it outlines are not set in stone. It should be noted that this syllabus is subject to change depending upon the requirements of the course as we progress. Moreover, the instructor also reserves the right to make modifications based on their expert judgement and the learning needs of the class.

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