Free Arkansas Affidavit of Heirship Template



Free Arkansas Affidavit of Heirship Template

Arkansas Affidavit of Heirship

I, [YOUR NAME], being duly sworn, deposes and states as follows:

  1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and competent to testify to the matters stated herein. I am a relative of the deceased, [DECEASED'S NAME], who passed away on [DECEASED'S DEATH DATE], domiciled in [COUNTY NAME], Arkansas.

  2. To the best of my knowledge, the deceased, [DECEASED'S NAME], did not leave a valid will at the time of their passing, nor was any formal probate proceeding initiated regarding their estate.

  3. The deceased was the sole owner of the following real property located in [COUNTY NAME], Arkansas:

    • Address: [PROPERTY ADDRESS]

    • Legal Description: Lot 7, Block A, Smith Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 127, Page 205, [COUNTY NAME], Arkansas.

    • Pertinent Details: The property consists of a single-family residence with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a detached garage, and a fenced backyard.

  4. The following individuals are the heirs-at-law and rightful successors to the estate of the deceased, [DECEASED'S NAME], as determined by Arkansas law:


  5. No other person or entity has a superior claim to the estate of the deceased, [DECEASED'S NAME], to the best of my knowledge.

  6. This Affidavit of Heirship is executed for the purpose of transferring ownership of the aforementioned real property, in accordance with Arkansas law, where there is no valid will or formal probate proceeding.



Sworn to and subscribed before me this [DATE].

Notary Public

[COUNTY NAME], Arkansas

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