Michigan Affidavit of Heirship

Michigan Affidavit of Heirship

I, [YOUR NAME], being of lawful age and sound mind, do hereby depose and state as follows:


  1. I am a resident of [CITY NAME], [COUNTY NAME], Michigan, and have personal knowledge of the family and heirs of the deceased individual, [DECEASED'S NAME], who passed away on [DECEASED'S DEATH DATE].

  2. The deceased individual, [DECEASED'S NAME], was a resident of Michigan, at the time of their death, and to the best of my knowledge, they died intestate, meaning without leaving a valid will.

  3. The heirs of the deceased individual, [DECEASED'S NAME], are as follows:


  4. The aforementioned individuals are the only known heirs of the deceased individual, [DECEASED'S NAME], to the best of my knowledge and belief.

  5. There are no other persons who are entitled to inherit from the deceased individual's estate under the laws of intestate succession of the State of Michigan, as the deceased individual did not have any surviving spouse, children, parents, or other close relatives.

  6. The purpose of this affidavit is to inform real estate professionals and any other relevant parties that the heirs listed herein are entitled to inherit any real estate owned by the deceased individual, [DECEASED'S NAME], in accordance with the laws of intestate succession of the State of Michigan.

  7. I understand that this affidavit is being executed voluntarily and that I may be subject to penalties for perjury if any of the information provided herein is found to be false or misleading.

Signed and sworn to before me on this [DATE].



Notary Public, State of Michigan


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