Canyonlands National Park Itinerary

Canyonlands National Park Itinerary

Greet travelers! Handpicked by our elite travel team, this adventure promises a unique blend of exhilarating outdoor escapades, deep dives into the rich geology and history of Canyonlands National Park, alluring hikes, spectacular vistas, and incredible ancient wonders. Over the span of three intense days, brace yourselves for an expedition like no other.

Day 1: Arrival and Canyoneering at Needles District

Your adventure begins with your arrival at Canyonlands National Park. Settle into your camp before venturing to the Needles District. Prepare to embrace your inner explorer with a breath-taking canyoneering experience that promises craggy red-rock towers and unforgettable geological wonders.



09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Arrival at Canyonlands National Park, Welcome Briefing

10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Set up Camp, Orientation

01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Canyoneering Adventure in Needles District

06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Return to Camp, Freshen Up, Group Dinner at Campsite

Day 2: Hiking in Island in the Sky

Embark upon a thrilling hike in the Island in the sky district, renowned for its magnificent viewpoint trails. A guided tour will lead you along the rim of the mesa, showcasing striking panoramas of the park's diverse landscape. You'll also discover the park's rich history through ancient petroglyphs and prehistoric ruins.



07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Breakfast at Campsite

08:30 AM - 01:00 PM

Guided Hike along Mesa Arch Trail, Panoramic Views, Picnic Lunch

01:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Explore Ancient Petroglyphs at Upheaval Dome, Ranger Talk

04:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Visit Pothole Point for Sunset Views, Return to Camp, Dinner at Campsite

Day 3: Rafting at the Colorado River & Departure

The final day of your tour involves a pulse-pounding river rafting adventure in the majestic Colorado River. After an adrenaline-rushing morning on the river, you'll enjoy a leisurely farewell brunch, reminiscing on the memories carved in the heart of Canyonlands. Departure will follow shortly after.



07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Breakfast at Campsite

08:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Travel to Colorado River Rafting Launch Point, White-water Rafting Adventure

12:30 PM - 02:30 PM

Riverside Picnic Lunch, Continue Rafting

03:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Scenic Views, Rapids, Return to Rafting Launch Point, Change Clothes

06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Farewell Brunch with Group, Sharing Memories, Pack Up Camp

Safety Measures:

  • Always stay on designated trails and follow park regulations.

  • Carry sufficient water, snacks, and sun protection.

  • Wear sturdy hiking shoes and dress in layers for changing weather.

  • Listen to your guide's instructions during activities.

  • In case of emergency, call the park's emergency number.

  • Respect wildlife from a safe distance, do not feed or approach.

  • Stay aware of your surroundings and fellow group members.

Every part of this adventure is carefully curated to offer you the most authentic exploration of Canyonlands National Park. Witness the depths of nature's stunning masterwork in this diverse and expansive landscape, promising an unforgettable trio of days. Get ready to redefine adventure.

Should you have any inquiries regarding this adventure itinerary, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

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