South Carolina Small Estate Affidavit

South Carolina Affidavit
of Small Estate



I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], do solemnly affirm under penalty of perjury that the following statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief:

Statement of Facts

  1. [Deceased's Name], a beloved member of our community and a resident of South Carolina, passed away on [Date of Death], leaving behind a legacy to be remembered.

  2. The total value of the estate of [Deceased's Name], encompassing real property, personal possessions, and any other assets, does not surpass the threshold amount for a small estate as delineated by South Carolina law.

  3. The heirs of [Deceased's Name], individuals who are now entrusted with carrying forth their memory, include [Heir Names] as determined by the solemn laws of intestate succession.

4. Despite the diligent efforts to uncover any testamentary directives, no will or other testamentary document of [Deceased's Name] has been unearthed to date.

5. In the spirit of transparency and with utmost honesty, I declare that I am not privy to any lingering debts of the estate beyond what resources are available to settle them, reflecting the responsible and prudent financial management practiced by [Deceased's Name].

6. I willingly accept the responsibility to serve as the administrator of the estate, undertaking to discharge my duties with diligence and fidelity to the laws of South Carolina.

7. Mindful of the legal implications, I solemnly acknowledge that any falsehoods or inaccuracies contained within this affidavit may carry severe legal ramifications and pledge to uphold the truth with unwavering integrity.


I confirm the accuracy of all the statements made herein to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed and affirmed under the weight of truth on this [Date].


[Your Name]

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