Free Cleaning Services Incident Resolution Form Template


Free Cleaning Services Incident Resolution Form Template

Cleaning Services Incident Resolution Form

This form is to document any incidents occurring during our cleaning services. Please provide details of the incident, actions taken, and follow-up steps. Signatures indicate agreement on resolution. Thank you for your cooperation.

Date: [Date]

Client Name:

[Your Company Name]

Client Contact:

[Your Name]

Service Location:

[Your Company Address]

Incident Details

Date & Time of Incident

Location of Incident

Nature of Incident


Actions Taken

A. Immediate Response

B. Client Notification

C. Resolution Steps

D. Follow-up Communication

Preventative Measures:

To prevent future incidents, please outline measures to avoid similar occurrences. Your input is valuable for enhancing service quality.

Client Feedback:

Your feedback is essential. Kindly indicate satisfaction level and provide any additional comments. Your input helps us improve our services.

A. Client Satisfaction

  • Satisfied

  • Partially Satisfied

  • Unsatisfied

B. Additional Comments


Please sign to confirm agreement with the incident resolution. Your signature signifies acknowledgment and satisfaction with the actions taken. Thank you.

Cleaning Service Provider Representative



Client Representative

[Your Name]


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