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Paid Social Media Advertising Insertion Order

Paid Social Media Advertising Insertion Order

Advertiser Information

Advertiser Name:

[Your Company Name]


[Your Company Address]  

Contact Person:

[Your Name]  


[Your Phone Number]  

Social Media Account ID:

[Your Company Social Media]

Social Media Platform Details


[Platform Name]

Platform Representative:

[Representative Name]

[Representative Email]

Campaign Details

Campaign Name:

[Campaign Name]

Start Date:

[Month Day, Year]

End Date: 

[Month Day, Year]

Promoted Products/Services: 

[List of Products/Services]

Target Audience:

[Target Audience]

Ad Formats:


Ad Placement And Positioning

A. Placement

  1. News Feed

  2. Stories

B. Positioning

  1. Priority placement in the first scroll

  2. Rotational display in Stories  

Budget And Payment Terms

A. Total Budget: $[00,000]  

B. Payment Terms

  1. [00]% upfront upon signing

  2. [00]% upon campaign launch

  3. [00]% within [00] days of campaign completion  

Ad Creative And Content Guidelines

Creative Specifications

  • Image: 1080 x 1080 pixels (PNG or JPEG)

  • Video: 15-30 seconds (MP4)

  • Content Restrictions: No explicit content, compliance with Meta's advertising policies  

Tracking And Analytics

Tracking Mechanisms

  • Meta Pixel integration for conversion tracking

  • Weekly performance reports on impressions, clicks, and conversions  

Termination Clause

A. Conditions For Termination

  1. Breach of contract by either party

  2. Failure to deliver agreed-upon services

  3. [00] days written notice for termination  

B. Penalties For Termination

  1. Advertiser: Forfeiture of any unpaid balance

  2. Platform: Refund of unspent budget, minus fees  

Indemnification And Liability

A. Responsibilities

  1. Advertiser: Ensuring ad content compliance

  2. Platform: Displaying ads as per specifications  

B. Liabilities

Mutual indemnification for legal issues arising from the advertising content  

Confidentiality And Non-Disclosure

A. Confidential Information

  1. Campaign details

  2. Performance metrics  

B. Non-Disclosure

Both parties agree not to disclose confidential information to third parties  

Miscellaneous Provisions

Governing Law: [Location of Jurisdiction]

Dispute Resolution: Mediation followed by arbitration if necessary.  

Item No.




Upfront Payment


This Paid Social Media Advertising Insertion Order is effective upon the date of signing by both parties.



Date: [Month Day, Year]

Social Media Platform Representative:


Date: [Month Day, Year]

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