Website Design Contract

Website Design Contract

THIS CONTRACT ("Contract") is made as of this day of, [Contract Signing Date], by and between [Client's Name], located at [Client's Address], hereafter referred to as the “Client,” and [Designer's Name], located at [Designer's Address], hereafter referred to as the "Designer."

1. Scope of Work

The Designer agrees to provide website design and development services as outlined in the attached project proposal.

The Proposal includes but is not limited to:

  1. Design and development of a responsive 10-page website for [Client Name]

  2. Integration of the following specific features as requested by the Client:

    • E-commerce functionality for online product sales.

    • User registration and login system for customer accounts.

    • Integration with a third-party payment gateway for secure transactions.

    • Integration of a blog section for regular content updates.

  3. Customization of specific design elements, including:

    • Design of a unique homepage hero section showcasing the company's products.

    • Customization of color schemes and typography to match the Client's branding guidelines.

    • Incorporation of the Client's logo and visual assets throughout the website.

  4. Testing and deployment of the website on the WordPress platform.

2. Timeline

The Proposal outlines the following project schedule:

  • Milestone 1 (Design Approval):

    The client is to provide feedback on initial design concepts within 7 days of receiving design mockups.

  • Milestone 2 (Development Phase):

    The designer is to complete the development of the website structure and functionality within 4 weeks (28 days) of design approval.

  • Milestone 3 (Content Integration):

    The client is to provide all necessary content and materials for website pages within 14 days of design approval.

  • Milestone 4 (Testing and Revisions):

    The designer is to conduct thorough testing and implement client feedback for final revisions within 10 days of content integration.

  • Milestone 5 (Deployment):

    Website to be deployed on (e.g., Bluehost and SiteGround) and made live within 7 days of final revisions approval.

3. Payment Terms

The total project cost is outlined in the Proposal. Payment shall be made according to the following schedule:

  • 30% deposit: Due upon signing of this Contract.

  • 40% progress payment: Due upon completion of the Development Phase milestone.

  • 30% final payment: Due upon completion and delivery of the website.

Payment shall be made via (e.g., bank transfer, PayPal, check).

4. Ownership and Intellectual Property

Upon full payment, the Client shall own the rights to the website design, content, graphics, and code developed as part of this project, excluding any third-party elements or materials. The Designer retains the right to showcase the completed project in their portfolio and marketing materials.

5. Confidentiality

Both parties involved in the project have mutually agreed that they will preserve the confidentiality of any proprietary information or any other kind of confidential information that might be shared between them during the duration of the project.

6. Changes and Revisions

If the client requests alterations to the scope, design, or functionality of the project after the work has started, these may lead to additional charges. Furthermore, these changes may also lead to an extension in the duration in which the project was initially planned to be completed.

7. Termination

Either party may terminate this Contract with written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Contract. In such case, the Client shall compensate the Designer for the work completed up to the termination date.

8. Dispute Resolution

If any disputes occur under the conditions of this Contract, they shall be addressed and resolved through the processes of mediation or arbitration, which will be carried out according to the rules and principles of the identified Governing Law.

9. Miscellaneous Provisions

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings. This Contract may be amended or modified only in writing and signed by both parties.

10. Signatures

The parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Contract.

[Client's Name]
[Date Signed]

[Designer's Name]
[Date Signed]

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