Moving Company Contract

Moving Company Contract

This Moving Company Contract (hereinafter the "Contract") is entered into on this (hereinafter the "Effective Date"), by and between [Client's Name], having its principal place of business at [Client's Address] (hereinafter the "Client"), and [Mover's Name], with its principal office located at [Mover's Address] (hereinafter the "Company").


This Contract is established, crafted, and officially formed through the mutual agreement of two participant groups: the Client and the Company. When both of these entities are mentioned together, they are collectively known as the "Parties" for the context of this Contract.


The Company shall provide moving and relocation services as requested by the Client. Specifics of the services to be provided are:

  • Packing and unpacking of household items, including fragile items such as glassware and electronics.

  • Loading and unloading of belongings onto/from the moving truck.

  • Disassembly and reassembly of furniture as needed.

  • Transportation of belongings from the current location to the new location.

  • Placement of furniture and boxes in designated rooms at the new location according to the Client's instructions.

  • Optional services such as storage solutions or specialty item handling (e.g., pianos, artwork).


The services associated with the move will commence on the date specified as the [Start Date]. Unless there is a different agreement reached between both parties involved, the moving services are expected to reach completion by the date specified as the [End Date].


Current Location

New Location

  • Address: [Client's current address]

  • Type of Property: (e.g., house, apartment, office)

  • Accessibility: (e.g., ground floor, elevator available, stairs)

  • Parking Availability: (e.g., street parking, driveway)

  • Address: [Client's new address]

  • Type of Property: (e.g., house, apartment, office)

  • Accessibility: (e.g., ground floor, elevator available, stairs)

  • Parking Availability: (e.g., street parking, driveway)


5.1 Fee Amount

  • The Client agrees to pay the Company a total fee of [Insert Fee Amount]. This fee may be subject to additional charges for any optional services requested by the Client or unforeseen circumstances during the relocation process.

5.2 Payment Date

  • Payment shall be made to the Company by [Insert Payment Date]. This date should be specified to ensure timely payment and avoid any delays in the moving process.


The Company ensures all necessary insurances are in place in case of property damage or injuries sustained during the provision of services.

6.1 Insurance Coverage

  • The Company maintains comprehensive liability insurance to cover any property damage or injuries sustained during the provision of moving services.

  • This insurance includes coverage for damages to the Client's belongings, as well as any injuries to the Company's employees or third parties.

  • The insurance coverage is sufficient to address potential liabilities and ensure the protection of both the Client and the Company.


  • This notice period allows the Company to adjust its schedule accordingly and minimize any inconvenience caused by the cancellation or rescheduling.

  • Failure to provide the required notice may result in the Client being subject to cancellation fees or charges as outlined in the contract.

  • Any requests for cancellation or rescheduling must be submitted in writing to the Company's designated contact person or email address.


  1. The Description of Additional Terms and Conditions will include specific provisions related to:

    • Responsibilities of both the Client and the Company during the moving process.

    • Any limitations of liability or exclusions of damages not covered by insurance.

    • Dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, in case of disagreements between the Parties.

    • Any warranties or guarantees provided by the Company for the quality of their services.

    • Any applicable local regulations or laws governing the provision of moving services.

  2. The Description of Additional Terms and Conditions will be attached as a separate document and incorporated into the Contract by reference.

  3. Both Parties are advised to review the additional terms and conditions carefully before signing the Contract to ensure mutual understanding and agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Client's Name]

[Date Signed]

[Mover's Name]
[Date Signed]

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