Free Marine Science Syllabus Template



Free Marine Science Syllabus Template

Marine Science Syllabus

Marine Science Syllabus Course

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1. Course Description

In this course, students will embark on an in-depth study of marine ecosystems, organisms and various processes. They will explore the incredible biodiversity of our oceans, the complex food webs that sustain life beneath the waves, and the environmental threats facing these delicate ecosystems.

2. Instructor Information

Dr. [YOUR NAME], experienced marine scientist. Can be contacted at


3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic principles of marine biology and oceanography.

  • Identify different marine species and understand their roles in the ecosystem.

  • Develop awareness of the threats and challenges faced by marine ecosystems.

  • Gain skills in scientific observation and data collection.

  • Learn how to design and carry out a research project in marine science.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Marine Science

  • "Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science" by Tom Garrison

  • "Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology" by Jeffrey Levinton


Physical Oceanography

  • "Introduction to Physical Oceanography" by John Knauss

  • "Descriptive Physical Oceanography: An Introduction" by Lynne Talley, George Pickard, William Emery


Marine Ecology

  • "Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts" by Michel J. Kaiser, Martin J. Attrill, Simon Jennings

  • "Introduction to Marine Ecology" by David W. Townsend


Marine Conservation

  • "Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity" by Elliott A. Norse, Larry B. Crowder, Marine Conservation Biology Institute

  • "Conservation and Management of Marine Ecosystems" by John D. Reynolds, G. Matthias Kappel

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • "Marine Biology" textbook by Castro and Huber

  • Aqua Scope: a web-based platform for exploring underwater ecosystems

  • WetLab Kit: for hands-on experiments

  • BioLite: online software for bioinformatics analysis

  • Journal articles (will be provided throughout the course)

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Bi-weekly quizzes: To assess understanding of lecture and reading materials.

  • Lab reports: Students will produce detailed reports of their lab experiments, highlighting their findings.

  • Research project: A semester-long research project on a topic of the student's choice.

  • Class participation: Attendance and participation in class discussions are mandatory.

  • Final exam: A culmination of course content will be tested.

7. Course Policy

  • All assignments should be handed in on time. Late submissions will have points deducted.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All work submitted should be original and properly cited.

  • Attendance is mandatory. More than three unexcused absences will affect the final grade.

  • Students are expected to read the course material before class.

  • Respectful communication and behavior is expected at all times.

8. Grading Policy

Grades will be determined based on: quizzes (20%), lab reports (20%), research project (20%), class participation (15%), and final exam (25%).

9. Disclaimer

The potential exists for modifications to be made to the course syllabus. This flexibility allows for the opportunity to adapt the course materials according to the evolving needs and progression pace of the class. Should any changes be necessary, students can expect an announcement well in advance of their implementation.

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