HVAC Maintenance Contract

HVAC Maintenance Contract

This HVAC Maintenance Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Contract Start Date], between [Service Provider Name] henceforth known as "Service Provider," residing at [Service Provider Address], and [Client Name] henceforth known as the "Client." residing at [Client Address].

1. Scope of Services

The Service Provider agrees to provide the following HVAC maintenance services to the Client:

  1. Regular inspections: Scheduled assessments to spot and fix emerging issues, ensuring proper function.

  2. Cleaning and lubrication: Thorough cleaning and lubricating of moving parts to reduce wear and tear.

  3. Filter replacements: Regular replacement of air filters to maintain air quality and system efficiency.

  4. Testing and calibration: Ensuring controls like thermostats are accurate for energy efficiency.

  5. Coil cleaning: Removal of debris to maintain efficient heat transfer.

  6. Performance checks: Evaluating system metrics to find areas for improvement.

  7. Minor repairs: Prompt fixing of small issues to prevent bigger problems.

  8. Emergency repairs: Immediate fixes during business hours for critical system issues.

2. Service Schedule

The service provider will be carrying out periodic maintenance services every month. To ensure that these visits do not disrupt the operations of the client, the exact dates and times of the maintenance visits will be agreed upon mutually between the service provider and the client.

3. Fees and Payment Terms

The Client agrees to pay the Service Provider a total fee of [Total Amount] for the maintenance services outlined in this Contract. Payment shall be made monthly in advance upon receipt of an invoice from the Service Provider.

4. Term of Agreement

This agreement, herein referred to as 'The Contract', will officially begin its term on the day specified as the 'Contract Start Date'. The duration of this contract will be one full year from this commencement date. Following the expiration of the initial one-year period, the contract can be extended or renewed, but such renewal will only be valid if both parties involved in the agreement express a mutual agreement to the proposed renewal terms and choose to continue with the contract.

5. Insurance and Liability

The party that provides the services, also known as the Service Provider, is obligated to keep suitable insurance coverage in place. Moreover, the Service Provider will not be held accountable for any kind of damage or loss attributed to the Client's misuse or failure to properly care for the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.

6. Emergency Services

The Service Provider may offer emergency repair services, beyond the usual maintenance checks, at an extra charge, and the Client should reach out immediately to the Service Provider to request these emergency services.

7. Warranties and Guarantees

The Service Provider warrants that all maintenance services will be performed in a professional manner and by industry standards. Any parts or materials used in the maintenance services are covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

8. Termination Clause

By the conditions of this Contract, it is permissible for either the Client or the Service Provider to bring about the termination of this Contract. However, this termination must be initiated by providing written notice to the other party involved in the Contract, with said notice given 30 days before the intended termination date. If such a termination event should occur, any outstanding fees that the Client owes to the Service Provider by the terms of the Contract are expected to be paid immediately.

9. Miscellaneous Provisions

Any disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through mediation or arbitration by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Both parties agree to keep all information exchanged during this Contract confidential.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this HVAC Maintenance Contract as of the date first above written.

[Service Provider Name]

[Date Signed]

[Client Name]

[Date Signed]

Contract Templates @ Template.net