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8Th Grade Art Syllabus

8th Grade Art Syllabus

8th Grade Art Syllabus Course

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1. Course Description

Our 8th Grade Art curriculum will engage students in drawing, painting, sculpture, and design projects. The course seeks to build upon students' prior experiences and abilities while introducing new materials and techniques for artistic expression.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]


3. Learning Objectives

  • To develop technical skills and the effective use of art tools and equipment

  • To understand and apply elements and principles of design

  • To interpret and evaluate artistic expressions with informed responses

  • To create portfolio-worthy works that demonstrate artistic growth and creativity

  • To appreciate and value visual arts and artistic expression as a vital aspect of human culture

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Art

  • Icebreaker activity: Introduce students, share expectations, and get to know each other.

  • Overview of art elements and principles.

  • Drawing basics: Lines, shapes, and forms.


Exploring Mediums

  • Introduction to various art mediums: Pencil, charcoal, pastels, and watercolors.

  • Experimentation with different mediums through guided exercises.

  • Introduction to color theory and mixing primary colors.


Art History

  • Introduction to prominent art movements: Renaissance, Impressionism, Cubism, etc.

  • Study famous artists and their works from different periods.

  • Discussion on the significance of art in different cultures and time periods.

  • Group project: Create a collaborative mural inspired by a chosen art movement or artist.

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition, 8th Edition.

  • Art supplies (Sketchbooks, watercolors, paintbrushes, pencils, erasers).

  • Foundations of Art and Design by Lois Fichner-Rathus

  • Online Articles relevant to each topic

  • Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach by Margaret Lazzari and Dona Schlesier.

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Sketchbook Assignments: Students will complete weekly assignments exploring different techniques and styles.

  • Class Projects: Involving a range of medium and techniques, students will complete individual and group art projects.

  • Art Critiques: Written critiques of various works of art will be assigned intermittently.

  • Final Portfolio: Students will be asked to compile and present their best work in a final portfolio.

  • Examinations: There will be mid-term and final examinations to assess students' mastery of vocabulary, techniques and art history.

7. Course Policy

  • All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date.

  • Attendance is crucial. Any student missing more than three unexcused absences may risk failing the course.

  • All students are expected to demonstrate respect for the work and opinions of others.

  • Academic honesty is vital; any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  • Students are responsible for maintaining their materials and workspace.

8. Grading Policy

Grades will be given based on the completion of assignments, participation in class discussion, projects and examinations. Assignment details and rubric will provide insights into how grades are assigned.

9. Disclaimer

This course syllabus has been prepared with the intention of serving as a guiding tool throughout the duration of this course. However, it's important to understand that it isn't fixed and is susceptible to modifications and alterations. Such adjustments to the syllabus are at the discretion of the instructor and can be implemented as needed.

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