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Sociolinguistics Syllabus

Sociolinguistics Syllabus

Sociolinguistics Course

Course Title


Course Code


School Hours


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

Explore the powerful interplay between society and language in our Sociolinguistics course. This course delves into the impact of culture, politics, and historical events on language transformation and usage. Dive deep into language patterns, dialects, accents, multilingualism, language policies, and more.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]
Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
Contact: [YOUR EMAIL]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the fundamentals of sociolinguistics and its importance in society.

  • Explore the role of language in signifying and shaping social classes and group identities.

  • Discern the impact of mass media and globalization on language use and variation.

  • Examine the cause and effect of language policies on societies.

  • Critically analyze real-world instances and applications of sociolinguistics.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Chapters 1-2, Textbook


Language and Identity

Chapters 3-5, Textbook


Language Variation

Chapters 6-8, Textbook


Language and Globalization

Chapters 9-11, Textbook


Language Policy and Education

Chapters 12-14, Textbook

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • Textbook: "An Introduction to Sociolinguistics" (7th Edition) by Janet Holmes

  • Resource Book: "The Handbook of Sociolinguistics" by Florian Coulmas

  • Journal Articles: Will be provided as per the weekly topic

  • Film: "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces" for week 3 study

  • Online Resources: Links to relevant sites will be shared upon commencement of course

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly Assignments: Based on the weekly readings, students must submit a summary and personal reflection.

  • Midterm Paper: A 5-7 page paper analytically discussing a particular sociolinguistic phenomenon.

  • Group Project: Examination of sociolinguistic aspects in a selected community or social group, with a presentation.

  • Final Examination: A comprehensive test covering all topics discussed in the course.

  • Class Participation: Active participation in class discussions and activities.

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Regular attendance is mandatory. More than three absences without a valid reason will affect the final grade.

  • Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated. Instances will result in a failing grade and disciplinary action.

  • Late Assignment: Late assignments will have a 10% penalty per day.

  • Classroom decorum: Respectful, professional behavior among classmates and towards the professor is required.

  • Communication Policy: All email queries will be responded to within a 48 hour period.

8. Grading Policy

Grading Factors


Weekly Assignments


Midterm Paper


Group Project


Final Examination


Class Participation



This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Any modifications will be communicated to the students in advance. It is the responsibility of the students to regularly check for updates and adhere to the latest course requirements and schedule. Failure to comply with the syllabus may result in adverse consequences, including but not limited to grade deductions or disciplinary actions. By enrolling in this course, students acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of these terms.

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