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Criminal Procedure Syllabus

Criminal Procedure Syllabus

Criminal Procedure Syllabus Course

Course Title

Criminal Procedure

















Office Hours


Table Of Contents

  1. Course Description

  2. Instructor Information

  3. Learning Objectives

  4. Course Schedule

  5. Required Reading and Materials

  6. Assignments and Assessments

  7. Course Policy

  8. Grading Policy

  9. Disclaimer

1. Course Description

This course aims to equip law students with the knowledge and understanding of the basic principles, procedures, and legal framework that govern criminal investigations and prosecutions within the justice system. It emphasizes fundamental constitutional protections provided to individuals during various stages of the criminal justice process.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor Name: [YOUR NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the constitutional principles that apply to the criminal procedure.

  • Apply legal rules to factual situations and engage in legal reasoning pertaining to criminal procedure.

  • Analyze and evaluate legal decisions related to criminal investigations and prosecutions.

  • Explore ethical issues within the realm of criminal justice system.

  • Develop critical thinking skills to communicate effectively in oral and written form about issues in criminal procedure.

4. Course Schedule





Overview of Criminal


  • Introduction to Criminal Procedure

  • Historical context of criminal procedure

  • Discussion on the role of criminal procedure in the justice system


Arrest and Detention

  • Legal principles governing arrests and detentions

  • Analysis of Fourth Amendment rights

  • Case studies on lawful arrests vs. unlawful detentions


Pre-trial Procedures

  • Pre-trial motions and hearings

  • Examination of bail procedures and bail reform efforts

  • Role-play exercises: participating in pre-trial hearings

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • Israel, Kamisar, LaFave and King’s Criminal Procedure and the Constitution

  • Dressler, Thomas and Corr's Understanding Criminal Procedure

  • Orin Kerr’s Computer Crime Law

  • Relevant Supreme Court rulings (distributed as class progresses)

  • Law Journal articles on selected topics

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly reading assignments

  • Class participation, including engagement in class discussions and activities

  • Mid-term take home exam

  • Analysis of a Supreme Court Case related to Criminal Procedure

  • Final Exam

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Regular and punctual attendance is required.

  • Participation: Active participation in class discussions is expected.

  • Academic Integrity: Any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.

  • Email Policy: Email communications should be used for substantive and logistical issues.

  • Electronic Devices: Use of electronic device is acceptable for class related work only.

8. Grading Policy

The final grade for this course will be based on the following breakdown: Participation-20%, Mid-term Exam-30%, Final Project-20%, and Final Exam-30%

9. Disclaimer

The syllabus you are being provided with serves as a comprehensive guide for the proceedings and curriculum of this course. However, it's essential to note that there can be alterations to the content and structure of the syllabus, with the condition that these changes shall be communicated to you in advance as a notice.

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