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Graduate Seminar Syllabus

Graduate Seminar Syllabus

Graduate Seminar Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




School Hours


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This graduate-level seminar course delves into in-depth academic discussions, advanced research methodologies, critical analysis, and professional development within the student's respective field of study. Guided by expert faculty, students will engage in advanced investigations and analyses of their selected topics, fostering critical thinking and collaborative learning.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]
Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
Contact: [YOUR EMAIL]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Develop advanced research skills in the respective field of study.

  • Engage in critical discourse related to prominent issues within the field.

  • Generate original insights and articulate them effectively in oral and written formats.

  • Develop professional competencies for career advancement in the chosen field.

  • Enhance collaboration and interpersonal skills through group projects and presentations.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Advanced Research

  • Overview of research methodologies

  • Discussion on academic discourse


Critical Analysis

  • Analyzing scholarly articles

  • Peer review sessions


Professional Development

  • Presentation skills workshop

  • Mock conference presentation


Interdisciplinary Collaboration

  • Group projects

  • Panel discussions


Research Ethics and Academic Integrity

  • Ethical considerations in research

  • Academic integrity workshop


Advanced Research Presentations

  • Student presentations

  • Feedback and peer evaluation

5. Required Readings and Materials

  1. "Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches" by John W. Creswell

  2. "Studying Organizational Symbolism" by Barry A. Turner

  3. "Critical Thinking: The Nature of Critical and Creative Thought" by Gerrit A. Lanning

  4. "Professionalizing Leadership" by Barbara Kellerman

  5. Latest versions of popular academic software like SPSS, NVivo, etc.

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Seminar Discussions: Students will partake in weekly seminar sessions, critically discussing the chosen topics and their implications within the field.

  • Reading Reflections: Each week, students will provide a written reflection on the assigned reading, discussing their insights and critiques.

  • Research Project: A capstone research project will integrate the theoretical and methodological elements of the course and apply them to a topic chosen by the student.

  • Group Presentation: Students will join in groups to present multi-perspective analysis of a chosen issue.

  • Professional Development Plan: Students will create a plan based on the knowledge and skills they have gained in the course which maps out their future career path in their respective field.

7. Course Policies

  • Class Participation: Students are expected to contribute regularly to class discussions, demonstrating their understanding and questioning of the course materials.

  • Academic Integrity: All assignments must reflect individual’s original work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  • Attendance: Regular attendance at seminar sessions is pivotal for academic success and class participation grades.

  • Late Assignment Policy: Late assignments will be subject to a grade deduction unless a valid reason supported by documentation is provided.

  • Accessibility: Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments is requested to speak with the instructor during the first two weeks of class.

8. Grading Policy

Grading Component


Seminar Discussions


Reading Reflections


Research Project


Group Presentation


Professional Development Plan


9. Additional Resources

  • University library offers online research resources and databases.

  • Academic writing workshops and tutorials offered by the Writing Center.

  • Professional development seminars and networking events organized by the Graduate School.

10. Communication Guidelines

Clear and effective communication is vital for success in this course. Students are encouraged to communicate with the instructor regarding any questions, concerns, or accommodation needs. Regular updates and announcements will be posted on the course platform to keep students informed of any changes or important information.


This syllabus is subject to modification at the discretion of the instructor. Any adjustments will be communicated to students in advance. It is the responsibility of each student to stay informed about any changes to the syllabus, course requirements, or schedule. Failure to adhere to the syllabus may result in academic penalties or other consequences. By enrolling in this course, students acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of these terms.

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