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Legal Studies Syllabus

Legal Studies Syllabus

Legal Studies Syllabus Course

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1.Course Description:

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles governing the legal system, its applications, and its impact within society. We will embark on a journey of discovery, traversing various facets of the law such as criminal law, business law, and international law, among others.

2. Instructor Information:

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]
Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the broad spectrum of legal principles.

  • Gain knowledge of the different structures and systems of law enforcement.

  • Understand and apply legal theories to real-world scenarios.

  • Enhance critical thinking skills in legal argumentation.

  • Establish a strong groundwork for a potential career in law or related fields.

4. Course Schedule:





Introduction to Legal Studies

  • "An Introduction to Legal Studies" by Martin Partington.

  • "Legal Systems and Methods" by Catharine MacMillan


Constitutional Law

  • "Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies" by Erwin Chemerinsky

  • Relevant chapters from "The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law" edited by Michel Rosenfeld and Andras Sajo


Criminal Law

  • Criminal Law: Cases and Materials" by Cynthia Lee and Angela P. Harris

  • "Criminal Law: The Basics" by H. L. Packer

5. Required Reading and Materials:

  • American Legal Systems: A Resource and Reference Guide (2019) 2nd Edition by Toni Jaeger-Fine

  • Online LexisNexis Account for Legal Research

  • The U.S. Constitution: A Reader by Hillsdale College Politics Faculty

  • Law 101: Everything You Need to Know About American Law, Fourth Edition by Jay Feinman

  • The Supreme Court A to Z by Kenneth Jost

6. Assignments and Assessments:

  • Weekly Reading Assignments: To ensure understanding of the weekly topics, students must complete assigned readings before the class.

  • Midterm Paper: A detailed analysis of a selected legal case emphasizing its relevance to the course materials.

  • Class Participation: Attendance and active participation in class discussions are crucial and will be assessed.

  • Final Exam: A combination of multiple-choice, short answers, and essay questions covering the entirety of the course.

  • Group Project: Students will be tasked with presenting a mock trial of a significant legal case, demonstrating their understanding of legal principles.

7. Course Policy:

  • Attendance: Regular attendance is expected and integral to your success in this course.

  • Assignments: Late submissions will not be accepted unless due to documented emergencies.

  • Academic Integrity: All work submitted must be originally completed by the student. Any form of plagiarism will result in severe penalties.

  • Participation: Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and demonstrate respect towards differing perspectives.

  • Communication: All concerns about the course or assignments should be addressed to the instructor via official communication channels.

8. Grading Policy:

Grades will be allocated based on Class Participation (20%), Weekly Assignments (20%), Midterm Paper (25%), Group Project (15%), and Final Exam (20%).

9. Disclaimer:

Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the syllabus, all students are advised to consult with the instructor for the most up-to-date course information. Course schedule and content may be adjusted as needed. It is the responsibility of the student to keep informed of any changes made during the course.

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